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v> 化学品安全技术说明书 Material Safety Data Sheet

 Dongguan Qian HeYi New Materials Co.,Ltd No. 16, Liuxiang, Miaoxiafang New Road,Hongmei Town,Dongguan City 化学品安全技术说明书 Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS)

 第一部分:化学品及企业标识 Part 1 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 产品信息 HEMICAL PRODUCT 产品名称:液体硅橡胶 Trade Name:Liquid silicone rubber 产品型号:QY-1350A/B Item:QY-1350A/B 企业信息 THE COMPANY 企业名称:东莞市谦和艺新材料有限公司 ManufacturerDongguan Qian He Yi New Materials Co.,Ltd 企业地址:东莞市洪梅镇庙下坊新路六巷 16 号 Address:No. 16, Liuxiang, Miaoxiafang New Road, Hongmei Town,Dongguan City 企业邮箱:dgqianheyi21@126.com E-mile:dgqianheyi21@126.com

 第二部分:危险性概述 Part 2 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 危险性类别:无危害性 Risk categories: No harm 危害说明:无危害性 Hazard description:No harm 防范说明: Precautionary statements 避免接触皮肤和眼睛 Avoid contact with skin and eyes 如果接触眼睛,用水小心的反复冲洗,戴隐形眼镜者如方便,先取下眼镜再冲洗眼睛 If eye contact, flush eyes with water. Please remove contact lenses before flush, if any. 如果接触皮肤,用肥皂和水温和冲洗 If skin contact, wash in mild soap and water. 其它危害;:未知 Other hazards: Unknown

第三部分: 成分与组成信息 Part 3 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS QY-1350A: 序号 Item No. Form CAS No. Concentration (%) 1 聚二甲基硅氧烷 Polydimethy siloxane 9006-65-9 60-70 2 气相二氧化硅 Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 30-40 3 铂金催化剂 Platinim catalyst 68478-92-2 0.5-2化学品安全技术说明书 Material Safety Data Sheet Dongguan Qian HeYi New Materials Co.,Ltd No. 16, Liuxiang, Miaoxiafang New Road,Hongmei Town,Dongguan City QY-1350B: 序号 Item No. Form CAS No. Concentration (%) 1 聚二甲基硅氧烷 Polydimethy siloxane 9006-65-9 60-70 2 气相二氧化硅 Silicon dioxide 7631-86-9 30-40 3 含氢硅油 Hydrogen Silicone 68083-18-1 1-3

第四部分: 急救措施 Part 4 FIRST AID MEASURES 若吸入:毋须急救 If inhaled: No need to first aid 若皮肤接触:毋须急救 If skin contact: No need to first aid. 若眼睛接触:作为预防措施,用清水冲洗眼睛。取下隐形眼镜。保护未受伤害的眼睛。保持 眼睛睁开用清水冲洗,如刺激持续,马上就医 If eye contact: As a precaution, flush eyes with clear water. Please remove contact lenses. To protect uninjured eyes. Keep eyes open and flush with clear water. If irritation persists, get medical attention immediately. 若食入:保持呼吸道畅通。禁止催吐。禁止饮用牛奶和酒精饮料。禁止对神志不清醒的患者 通过口喂食任何东西。若症状持续,请立即将受害人送往医院救治。 If Ingestion: Keep comfortable for breathing. Do not induce vomiting. Do not drink milk and alcoholic beverage. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If symptoms persist, please rush the victims to hospital immediately

第五部分: 消防措施 Part 5 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES 合适的灭火剂: 大火时使用泡沫或水雾;小火时使用二氧化碳 Suitable extinguishant: LARGE FIRE, use foam or water spray. SMALL FIRE, use carbon dioxide 不合适的灭火剂:不确定 N/A Extinguishant: Uncertainty 特别危险性:无 Special risk: NO 灭火注意措施及防护措施:消防人员必要时需佩戴自给式空气呼吸器。单独收集被污染的灭 火用水。不要排入下水道。火灾残留物以及灭火用水必须按照当地规定予以处理。为了防火, 罐子应分开储存于密闭容器中,使用喷水冷却完全密闭的容器。 Fire fighting measures and protective measures: Fire fighters should wear Self-Contained Beathing Apparatus in necessity. Collecting separately contaminated extinguishing water. Don’t discharge into sewers. Fire residues and extinguishing water must be dealt with in accordance with化学品安全技术说明书 Material Safety Data Sheet local regulations. To fire protection, the cans should be stored separately into closed container, use water spray cooling the fully closed containers.

第六部分: 泄漏应急处理 Part 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 环境保护措施:防止泄漏物进入下水道。在保证安全的情况下防止进一步的泄漏和溢出。若 产品污染对河流、湖泊或下水道造成污染,需及时告知相关职能部门。 Environmental precautions: Prevent the leakage entry into sewer. Prevent further leakage and overflow in the case of security. If the product contamination caused by pollution of rivers, lakes or sewers, need to inform the relevant functional departments in time. 泄露化学品的收容、清除方法及所使用的处置材料: 收集泄漏物,使用适合的不易燃惰性 吸收材料(如沙子、泥土、硅藻土、蛭石等)覆盖 和吸收,将泄漏物收集于合适的容器中 按照当地规定予以处理。(参考第 13 部分) Chemicals leaked asylum、Methods for cleaning up and use of disposal materials: Collect the leakage, using suitable non-flammable inert absorbent material (eg sand, soil, diatomite, vermiculite, etc.) cover and absorb, the leak was collected to be dealt with in a suitable container in accordance with local regulations. (See Part 13)

第七部分: 泄漏操作处置与储存 Part 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE 安全操作注意事项: 使用充分的通风排气设备,避免眼睛接触,不可内服,施行良好工业 卫生措施,请于操作后进行清洗,尤其是在饮食或抽烟之前 Safety Handling Precautions: Use sufficient ventilation exhaust equipment, avoid contact with eyes, not to be taken orally. To implement good industrial hygiene measures. Wash thoroughly after handling, especially before eating or smoking. 储存提示:谨慎小心,远离氧化物料储存 Storage tips: Be careful, keep away from the oxide material

第八部分: 接触控制和个人防护 Part 8 EXPOSURE CONTROL / PERSONAL PROTECTION 呼吸系统防护: 不需要使用呼吸防护设备 Respiratory protection: Don't need to use respiratory protective equipment 手防护:毋需特别防护 Hand protection: Don't need special protection 眼睛防护:使用适当的防护,佩戴适宜的安全护目镜 Eye protection: Use appropriate protection, wear appropriate safety goggles 皮肤防护:进餐前和下班时进行适当的清洗 Skin protection: Wash thoroughly before meals and after work. 个人卫生措施: 施行良好工业卫生措施,请于操作后进行清洗,尤其是在饮食或抽烟之前 Personal hygiene measures: To implement good industrial hygiene practices, please wash after handling, especially before eating or smoking. Dongguan Qian HeYi New Materials Co.,Ltd No. 16, Liuxiang, Miaoxiafang New Road,Hongmei Town,Dongguan City化学品安全技术说明书 Material Safety Data Sheet

第九部分: 理化特性 Part 9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 外观与性状:无色透明粘稠液体 Appearance: Colorless transparent viscous liquid 气味:轻微的气味 Odor: Slight smell PH 值:无相关资料 PH: No data 熔点:无相关资料 Melting point: No data 密度:Density:1.07-1.12 g/cm3 蒸气压:无相关资料 Vapor Pressure: No data 溶解性:与水不融 Solubility: water-immiscible 闪点:Flash Point: >100℃ closed cup test 熔点:无相关资料 Kindling Point: No data 堆密度:不适用 Bulk density: Not Applicable 爆炸性:无相关资料 Explosive: No data 粘度:Viscosity(kinematic viscosity): 25°C;300000-500000mPa.s

第十部分: 稳定性和反应活性 Part 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 稳定性:稳定的 Stability: Stable 危险反应:不会产生危害的聚合反应 Hazardous polymerization: Hazardous polymerization does not occur. 禁配物:可与强氧化剂发生反应 Materials to avoid: Can be react with strong oxidant 分解产物:二氧化碳及微量的未完全燃烧的碳化物,二氧化硅, Decomposition products: Carbon Dioxide and trace amounts of unburned carbon, silicon dioxide 第十一部分: 毒理学信息 Part 11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION 暴露途径:吸入,皮肤接触和意外吞食 Routes of exposure: inhalation, skin contact and accidentally swallowed. 过分接触的影响和症状: 正常使用下,无显著不良影响 The effects and symptom of excessive contact: under normal use, no significant adverse effects Acute toxicity: 眼睛:直接接触可能引起短暂的发红及不舒服症状 Eyes: Direct contact may cause temporary redness and uncomfortable symptoms 食入:正常使用时只有很低的摄入危害 Ingestion: In normal use, only have slightly hazardous 吸入:单一时间暴露不会有重大影响 Inhalation: Exposure to a single time there will be no significant impact 慢性毒性 Chronic toxicity 其他健康危害信息:无合适的资料 Dongguan Qian HeYi New Materials Co.,Ltd No. 16, Liuxiang, Miaoxiafang New Road,Hongmei Town,Dongguan City化学品安全技术说明书 Material Safety Data Sheet Other health hazard information: No data

第十二部分: 生态学信息 Part 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 急性影响:对水生有机体无有害影响: Acute effects: No harmful effects to aquatic organisms 慢性影响:对水生有机体无有害影响 Chronic effects: No harmful effects to aquatic organisms 对废水处理厂的影响: 对细菌无有害影响,通过与污水淤泥粘合,可被去除 90%以上,本 产品中的硅氧烷不是 BOD 的一部分 Effects of wastewater treatment plants: No harmful effects to germ, adhesion with sewage sludge, can be removed more than 90%, siloxane in the product is not part of the BOD. 降解性: 硅氧烷在土壤中退化降解 Products of Biodegradability: Siloxane degradation in soil 在土壤中流动性:通过沉积或粘合至污水淤泥,将硅氧烷从水中分离出来 Mobility in Soil: Through sedimentation or adhesion to sewage sludge.

第十三部分: 废弃处置 Part 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS 废物不得排入下水道。化学品或已用容器不能污染池塘、水源或沟渠。 交给得到许可的废 品处理公司 Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.

第十四部分: 运输信息 Part 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION 公路和铁路运输:不适用 N/A Road and Rail Transport:NA 海运(IMDG):不属 IMDG 编码 Sea TransportSea Transport(IMDG):NA 空运(ITTA):不属 ITTA 编码 Air TransportAir Transport(ITTA):NA

 第十五部分: 法规信息 Part 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION 化学品分类和危险公示公告通则(GB 13690-2009) General Rule for Classification and Dangerous announcement of Chemicals [GB13690-2009].

 第十六部分: 其他信息 Part 16 OTHER INFORMATION 制作者:东莞市谦和艺新材料有限公司 Producer:Dongguan Qian He Yi New Materials Co.,Ltd Dongguan Qian HeYi New Materials Co.,Ltd No. 16, Liuxiang, Miaoxiafang New Road,Hongmei Town,Dongguan City化学品安全技术说明书 Material Safety Data Sheet 本信息基于我们现有的知识水平。它不是产品特性的保证书。每位客户应于使用前审阅此产 品预订使用方法的建议并决定是否使用。 This MSDS is based on our existing knowledge level, it is not a guarantee of product characteristics. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. 修订时间:2023 年 12 月 13 日 Revision date:Dec 13,2023 Dongguan Qian HeYi New Materials Co.,Ltd No. 16, Liuxiang, Miaoxiafang New Road,Hongmei Town,Dongguan City
